SYNTHETIC CLEAN OIL in acronym “SYCO SARL”, in Nionia, Cercle Kati-Bamako/Mali, under construction

A factory for the transformation and recycling of plastic and tire waste into non-polluting synthetic fuel, 10 varieties of petroleum products including diesel, gasoline, kerosene, butane, propane, bitumen, etc. :

all in perfect harmony with the protection of the environment. The pyrolysis production lines of waste plastic and tire recycling machine with waste plastic and tire quantity of 1,000.00 tons to process/day. Delivery summer 2024

Projet Acquisition Green Spring Energy FZE : Zone franche de Hamriyah, Phase #1, Sharjah

An oil refinery in Sharjah Free Zone, United Arab Emirates (temporarily closed) with associated licenses, permits and assets. Capacity: 1,500 m3 – 2,000m3/day. Green Spring Energy is a hybrid petrochemical complex (HPC) with many advanced features that make recycling processes unique, reliable and scalable. The arrangement of several distillation columns, designed to operate continuously or […]